Monday, December 26, 2005


All I want for Christmas is Tussy. (or was it a new Pie?)

Hello fellow bellowers. My name is Matthew and I have a problem. I miss my friends. I know what you're thinking: "But Matt: Joey, Chandler, Monica, Rachael, Phoebe, and Ross will always be there for you for only 29.95." This I know. But Danny, Shane, MC, Kari, Will, Jamie, Andy, TJoe, Jenn, Jack, Blake, Bubbles, Billy, Sean, Neil, Mike, Pat, Brian, Ashley, Doug, Burbach, Dom, Blair, and a host of others are not as plastic-wrapable. At least not the fellas. So I'm in Prague alone this year, which isn't all bad, but I just wish I could be there with y'all. Most of the Americans over here went back for the holidays leaving me with a dirty apartment and a black hole in my soul. So I must fill it with holiday cheer. At least its cheap. (Only a dollar for a half liter.)

It was strange because, I didn't really have much time to think about it till the 24th, as I was working until 7 on Friday. So now that rumored Sunday neurosis is kicking in with a vengeance. But I did have a nice Christmas. One of my students invited me over on the 25th and I spent the day with her family. Took a walk in the mountains and stayed up late talking Czech/American relations. Very relaxing, but nothing like embarrasing my family by walking downstairs with an erection Christmas morning. A Lyon family tradition. My parents did send me a gift package, though. The two biggest requested items: deoderant and socks. my best present this year was deoderant, and my biggest disappointment: socks. fucking socks. i realized how a big of a loser ive become when i wish for socks for christmas and my fucking parents dont even get them for me. its not like i asked for a fucking cruise ship or something. Just Fucking Socks! But enough wallowing.

I've been keeping busy these past few months. So busy, in fact, that I've neglected my obligations to you fine people. I'm working more than I've ever worked in my life. It's at least a 12 hr day, which usually becomes a 16 hour day. I'm usually in a car by 5.30 in the morning to travel to some random place in the Czech Republic. I act like an idiot on stage until noon, then fly home for afternoon classes. Unless the car breaks down, that is. I won't go into detail about what has happened. Well, maybe just a little. Two weeks ago, we got stuck in the snow about 200 km away from Prague and blew the distributor block on this piece of shit Skoda 130. I two-door Hyundai not unlike my breathless beauty towed us to the nearest town with us still in the car. Never thought I'd do that. Then, two days later, it broke down again on the 'interstate'. This time a real tow truck came and actually lifted us up onto the bed and drove us back to Prague while we were still in the car! I was ecstatic! What a rush to test the boundaries of law, let alone the push the envelope of the very facric of physics. I fulilled a boyhood dream that day.

So I went to Rome in November with my uncle from Chicago and let me tell you that its a great place, except for all the other people there. I went to the Sistene Chapel and all I could hear were security guards yelling "No Pictures!" Kinda ruins the experience. The question I asked most when I was visiting the Vatican was: "Where did the money come from?"

In December I went to Vienna to I mean visit Chris McCarthy's sister. Now THAT is a beautiful city. Beautiful white marble errwhere and the Christmas markets put Prague's to shame, in my opinion. But I think Prague's got em beat on nightlife, cost of living, and overall Matt Lyon Merit.

Ok I think that's it for now. I so wish I could be in Chicago for New Years. Its going to go down in Barrel history as THE New Years Bash. I just know it. Dom, I hope you're preparing adequately: rented Port o potties, stolen mattresses, bribed police, and of course lots of vegetable oil. Wish you were here. Wish I was there. Love always. Matthew.

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