Sunday, January 14, 2007


A Day of Infamy.

Ok, this is something that has really been pissing me off lately. My counterparts Irving Longface and SHC Barrel have really been slacking as of late. To the point of a violent rage on yours truly. Firstly, the Barrel has been inactive since September 1st. That's basically August. Which is two, almost three seasons ago. And the last entry was about Paul fucking Walker??? No offence to TJoe for making the entry, but this was supposed to be a fluffer piece. A feel-good filler article during a slow news day. And this hack's mug is front row center to my daily wanderings in the virtual world. C'mon Hummer. Stand up or sit down. Quit squatting over the Barrel.

Number 2. Irving Longface makes me wanna. He deletes all the priceless comments from his blog, including the legendary 'Nigger' marathon. Now, one could see this as Mr. Face is trying to clean up his act for the med school goons he'll soon be taking it from. But now, without even so much as a Good Night and Good Luck he's thrown his whole blogging livelihood out the window and let the net sharks replace it for a web search for "county jail". Now I'm sure Irving has nothing to do with a county jail. Or maybe he does. Either way, his legacy will that of shame and cowardice.

Own up you maggots.

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