Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The "Saint" in Saint Louis is a misnomer.

Hey guys, so judging by the comments of the last two posts, I can see that you are enthralled with my daily occurrences. Whats been going on. Well, I spent a week up in Annapolis with my brother, et al. It was a great week of eating, drinking, sleeping, and occasionally pooping. Once in a while I went outside to notice that the sun is, in fact, still shining. I kid, I kid! I took my sister to a Nationals baseball game and got great seats courtesy of a Prague buddy. Back-to-back homeruns and a big W for Washington. The only big W that should be in Washington, despite the efforts of bumper stickers (dis)gracing H2s and Land Rovers all over this country.

Portion edited. Rode to St Louis for the Cubs/Cardinals series. Went to Tommy's house and went to a couple of dive bars before making it over the the East Side. Oh how I miss East St. Louis! Actually, I miss it not. After the dirty floors, the dirty beer, the dirty patrons, there's only about 27 other dirty things that go on there. The next afternoon, met up with Hatchard and Lauber for a Chotchky's Lunch. Baked Raviolli and all. Then the game Friday night lasted 14 innings, which I thoroughly enjoyed, except for the whole 'no beer after the 7th inning' rule. After a huge win by the Cubs, we headed over to Al Hrabowsky's for some extra-inning funnery. Pretty standard warehouse divebar, except the men's bathroom has one-way mirrors facing the line to the girls bathroom, so while you're acquainting yourself with...yourself, you're acquainting yourself with the female constituency, who are waiting to acquaint themselves with themselves. It's all very incestuous or laviscious or something else with an -ous suffix.

Went back to the hotel for typical fare late night activities with Lauber, Neil, Col, Hannigan, and Jamie. Portion edited. The next day we woke up, ate, and went to the game again. Cubs blow the game open and Lauber and I spend the afternoon swigging bourbon and eating creamed desserts obtained more or less semi-legally.

After the game, we went to Broadway Oyster Bar and had an absolute blast reunioning to no end, and flirting with the waitress, who was feeding us shots. Just to make it official, Lauber and I rode in the trunk of an 18 year-old's SUV, swigging warm Budweiser. We are now back in college. We went to the bar connected with the hotel, which actually, wasn't half bad. Ate some more baked raviolli, threatened little Lauber with castration if he doesn't stay away from my sister, listened to the absolute worst rendition of "Radar Love" by Neil and Dom via Karaoke, Seriously, the worst shit ever, and watched Portion edited. Then upstairs for Imo's and more tomfoolery of the green variety. So that was St. Louis. Nothing too crazy happened, but I think we were all happy to be in each other's company again. Looking forward to much more of it next weekend in New Orleans. Come on down, whadya say. In the meantime, check out this guy, who seriously lost it.

Standard Slipknot fan actually listens to what band is saying.

"Toasted" Rav's is the how they say it in my Rome.

I wonder if Queefe Kaughman knows that guy?

How about some props for the new ballpark?
Oh, God. What is the name of that country where "swigging warm Budweiser" is legal? :-)
That's actually not at all how it went. I ordered my food and waited for an hour while I sat and watched many patrons who came in after me get served. Then I was sitting quietly waited to be served when a large black man said to me, "get up". I explained to the gentleman that I had been sitting there for an hour and I would not get up. The large african american proceded to physically remove me from the chair when I exclaimed "fine, enjoy a life in prison", at that point 5 other african american men stood up to physically respond to my comment. It was at that point that I left. (Dom can verify all of this) Matt, I do not understand my you frequently talk shit(that is totally untrue) on these blogs. Sure, you are miles and miles away from me, but surely you can't be that much of a coward. Oh yeah, thanks for letting me drive you 2000 miles and not thanking me once for it, that was really big of you. Matt, you a entitled, selfish prick, and you really need to grow up. Also, for someone that "hates gossip" so much, you sure do a lot of it. Also, you are pussy now and always have been who is terrified of confrontation but doesnt mind starting it between others.

Marinate on that for a minute, I mean every word.
Brian met Neil and I at the eat rite--eat right or dont eat at all-- I had a slinger. As we were finishing, Brian had just walked in, at first he did attempt to 'cut the line' by shouting out his order, the cook explained to brian the way things work and he waited, seemingly patiently, for his seat. Neil and I left to go to white castle to wash down the slingers with some sliders and grape fanta but the line was still very long. we came back, about 45 mins later, to the eat rite in a cab and brian came out of the diner and took the long way to the cab by crossing three ways around instead of directly to us. When asked why he seemed so flusterd, brian pinted to the 3 black men standing outside the eatrite looking for him and said. " I told that guy to enjoy the rest of his life in jail".
do one about brian in new orleans
Why was Brian Patrick Fruin so offended that you accused him of asking to be served first but didn't deny or seem to care about having said "the n-word" in front of the black cab driver? I still think you are an ok guy.
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